Christ the King Parish encourages all parishioners to become involved in the life of the parish. Towards this goal, we offer many opportunities for you to become involved. Feel free to contact the rectory at 215-632-1144 for more information about any of these organizations.
Aid For Friends provides free home cooked meals, visits, and outreach services. Volunteer visitors and cooks are always needed.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a parish outreach support group for anyone seeking help with a drinking problem. Groups meet on Sunday and Thursday evenings.
Altar Servers serve at Mass on Sundays, Holy Days, and during the week. Training is provided at the end of Fifth grade.
Bereavement Group offers comfort and personal and group support to those mourning the loss of a loved one. A series of six weekly sessions are held in the Fall and Spring.
Book Club meets monthly September through June to discuss books chosen by group.
Boy/Cub Scouts learn outdoor skills, respect for Church, state, community, and self. All boys in grades 1 through 8 are eligible to participate.
Girl Scouts provide girls ages 6 through 12 with activities and programs to enhance self-esteem, encourage service, and promote teamwork while having fun and making friends.
Cantors or Leaders of Song encourage and help the congregation to sing their praises to God at Sunday and Holy Day Masses.
Catholic Youth Organization offers a multitude of social, spiritual, service, and athletic activities for students in grades 6, 7, and 8. CYO sports are also open to 5th grade students.
Adult Choir is open to any adult. The Choir sings at the 10:00 mass on Sundays and special occasions.
Christ the King School educates children from Pre-School to Eighth Grade.
CARES (Children Are Receiving Extended Services) provides before and after school supervision for children in Christ the King School in a safe and caring atmosphere.
Elizabeth Ministry is designed to support women and their families during the joys, challenges, and sorrows of the childbearing years through peer support, mentoring, education, and spiritual nourishment.
Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Eucharist at Sunday mass and holy days as scheduled. Hospital visits are scheduled the fourth Sunday of the month.
Faith Formation Team provides recommendations, direction, and organization for Faith Formation opportunities in the parish. The team gathers monthly to discuss and review possible program opportunities that assist adults and families to grow deeper in their faith.
Finance Committee advises the Pastor in a consultative and cooperative way on the options available to achieve the most responsible stewardship of parish resources. Members are appointed by the Pastor.
Flag Football is a non-contact intramural league for boys and girls in grades 3 through 8.
Jackpot drawing is held every Monday at 8:00 P.M. Proceeds benefit both church and school. Volunteers are needed to sell and check tickets.
King’s Housekeepers clean and maintain the interior of the church every other Friday after the 8:00 A.M. Mass. Volunteers are welcome.
Ladies Auxiliary is a social group with spiritual roots which is dedicated to serving the larger parish community through hospitality, parish projects, activities, and fundraisers.
Lectors proclaim scripture and other liturgical readings and prayers at Sunday and daily masses. All appropriate guidance, direction, and training is provided.
Parish Nurses is a health care ministry dedicated to the promotion of mind, body, and spiritual well-being by helping parishioners become better partners in their own wellness through participation in health screenings, visitation, and referrals.
Parent Teacher Association provides communication and support between the school administration, the teachers, and the parents of the school children.
PREP/CCD is the Parish Religious Education Program for children in Grades 1 through 6 who attend public or charter schools. Instructions are held on Sundays from 11:00 A.M. to 12:15 P.M. immediately following the 11:00 A.M. Mass.
Pastoral Council is a consultative body that advises and assists the Pastor in areas of Pastoral concern while fostering participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the Church. Members are nominated by the Council members or appointed by the Pastor.
PSA (Public Service Area) is an outreach group that meets monthly in conjunction with the representatives of the 8th Police District to discuss concerns and implement joint training and problem solving strategies for a safer neighborhood. Meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month.
Respect Life Committee encourages respect for all life through prayer, education, spiritual and professional support.
RCIA (Rite of Christian for Adults) is a journey of faith in which adults who wish to become Catholic or Catholics who have not received Eucharist or Confirmation may be fully incorporated in the Church.
St. John’s Hospice Casserole Program is a parish outreach that provides casseroles to those served by St. John’s. Casseroles are prepared at home and frozen and brought to our freezer for pick up on the third Monday of each month.
Senior Citizens meet weekly from September to June for social activities, educational speakers, affordable trips, and participation in parish projects.
Softball Intramural softball teams are available for children in Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth Grade.
Swim Team competes against other parishes in Northeast Philadelphia and is open to all parish children ages 5 through 15.
Ushers maintain order during parish liturgies by giving directions, assisting with the collection, designating families to participate in the Offertory Procession and attending to the needs of the congregation.